Mehr Lautsprecher braucht kein Mensch
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... Mehr Lautsprecher braucht kein Mensch ... arrange a listening appointment ... WOLF VON LANGA
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“When I first heard the Wolf von Langa SONs, I knew I was in for something special. But it wasn't until I used them in my own system that I truly and deeply understood the extent of their superlative performance.”
One of the “high-end” sounds of the California Audio Show in Emeryville was a well stocked room hosted by Gestalt Audio and the Lotus Group. The Wolf von Langa speakers were a fun sight to see, and managed to really pump out the jams all weekend long.
My time with the WVL speakers was both illuminating and musically rewarding. Illuminating, in terms of what’s possible with a physically small loudspeaker, especially when it comes to the reproduction of scale. Musically rewarding in that at no point was my choice of recordings determined by the capabilities of the transducer.
“The music sounded physical and real, with natural weight and tone. Excellent.”
“When people ask me why I love this room so much, I usually tell them that no other exhibit room can pull me into the music as quickly as this one.”
About us
„Mehr Lautsprecher braucht kein Mensch“
is our brand promise. This applies to all Wolf von Langa Premium High-End loudspeakers; we create fine German products of unexpected quality, both in applied technology and in sonic persuasiveness. Handcrafted and developed with a love of music.
Welcome to Wolf von Langa Loudspeakers
Premium High End Loudspeakers
The AUDIO FRAME WVL 33221 BERLIN - A masterpiece!
Unique on principle. A symbiosis of purity and power. This is WVL 33221 BERLIN! Each individual system is made to order by a professional hand, with ultimate care and precision. This fine product requires 60 days of hard work to complete by skilled craftsmen. Great respect is given to the future owner who will enjoy an intensely personal musical experience!
Direct! Dynamic! Explosive!
Wolf von Langa - Innovation in loudspeaker design
As a designer, Wolf von Langa is driven by the vision of getting as close as possible to the ideal of audiophile music reproduction - live music! The goal is to represent what is absolutely feasible in loudspeaker design. And slowly but surely the fact is becoming known: It's not the cone that makes the music, it's the driver. This is confirmed not only by our ears, but also by modern simulation programs - and common sense! As with a car, the power is not generated in the tires, but in the engine. In the AUDIO FRAME CHICAGO, the transformation of electrical music power into an acoustic experience takes place in three very special electromagnetic transducers.
Mehr Lautsprecher braucht kein Mensch
Our state-of-the-art AUDIO FRAME line is shaped not only by computer graphics models and advanced CAD acoustic simulations, but also by long listening sessions and adaptation to human sensations. Each speaker, without cabinet, is meticulously engineered to deliver a unique listening experience.
All loudspeaker drivers are exclusively designed and manufactured in-house by Wolf von Langa. This boundless and unique effort sets new standards in the loudspeaker world and guarantees outstanding quality and performance regardless of price.
Pure - Charming - Lively!
Wolf von Langa - ULTIMA Loudspeakers: The perfection of sound
For those who demand absolute perfection and will settle for nothing less, our ULTIMA loudspeakers are the fulfillment of their most demanding sound requirements. Engineered with the utmost precision and passion for audio excellence, these premium high-end speakers deliver a sound experience that will impress even the most discerning ears. Immerse yourself in a world of unparalleled sound quality and let Wolf von Langa ULTIMA loudspeakers take you to a new dimension of audio excellence.
The premium high end class!
WVL 12639 SON
The extremely high quality and handcrafted speakers from southern Germany are famous for their magic in playing music. Many hifi magazines around the world choose sinfully expensive loudspeakers every month. In our opinion, the measure of all things is solely the emotionality of the reproduction. Wolf von Langa's unique technology enables the most complex musical passages to be reproduced true to the original. The magazine The Absolute Sound attests us for a playback chain with the SON: “By far the best-of-show combination for the money”. So much praise makes you curious.
The Absolute Sound, Product of the Year 2022
The Absolute Sound, Editor’s Choice 2023
PF, posi+ive feedback
HFA, hifi-advice.com
Fidelity Magazine
hören & fühlen, und much! more…
The record-sized SERENDIPITY is not only convincing tonally, dynamically and in terms of design, but also impresses with naturalness in the truest sense of the word. The measurement results are so outstanding that WOLF VON LANGA also recommends this loudspeaker as a listening monitor for sound engineers. The size makes ideal placement in the listening room a breeze; in the studio, the speaker is simply placed on the console.
Technically, this is a composition of pure goodies. And there is even more: The WVL 11334 SERENDIPITY compact loudspeaker can be used with the ILLUSONIC IAP audio processor.
IAP optimizes almost the sound system, room, and listening situation. It includes the only dsp-based acoustic damping (Clarity) and the world’s best immersive upmix. More...
How does a horn loaded bass system feel and sound? WOLF VON LANGA develops a new bass horn, because you know: Bass horns are the king of loudspeaker design. No other subwoofer system can even come close. With the development of the new WAGYU, the men and women of WOLF VON LANGA have taken on one of the greatest technological challenges.
Not audible, but palpable - just as a real subwoofer should be. One step closer to life!
WVL 14350 WAGYU – The Bass Reference!
California Audio Show 2024
The “London” speaker by Wolf von Langa ($65k/pair) here along with Audio Note’s AN-E-SPx at the show both represented a field coil design and both were dressed to impress. The full range atop the open back sub module offered both ample eye candy along with a lot of welcome audiophile design curiosities. But the grand sum here was sharp control, impressive bass and a dollop of tasty tones. Brian Hunter
Thank you for 2023
Foremost, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support in 2023. We are thankful for the constant demand of our regular customers and of course for the fact that we were able to win more and more new customers for the WOLF VON LANGA® brand!
Even though our 2023 balance sheet for the WOLF VON LANGA® brand is consistently positive, we would like to take the opportunity to take a critical look at some developments in the hi-fi industry: this year we have seen how many independent companies have run into difficulties due to wars, inflation and hyper-capitalism. At the same time, large corporations are flooding the market with inferior products. With their mass production at dumping prices, these global players are damaging our planet.
With the WOLF VON LANGA® brand, we want to counteract this by producing high-quality, long-lasting products that do not follow short-lived trends. We remain committed to quality at fair prices without having to manufacture in low-cost countries.
Despite the challenges of this year, we are still here for you. Thank you for your continued support. We hope you had a relaxing holiday season and wish you all the best for the New Year!
Best wishes from Neunkirchen,
Christine and Wolf von Langa - founders of the WOLF VON LANGA® brand
As our WOLF VON LANGA® team has continued to grow over the past year, we would like to thank our amazing colleagues, whose dedication and passion are the driving force behind the success of the WOLF VON LANGA® brand.
We are proud to have a team of such versatile and talented people who all share the same goal: to make the synonym MADE IN GERMANY (Franconia) in this country the quality seal it once was at the beginning of the 20th century.
"By far the best-of-show combination for the money, and despite its small size, it didn't sound a bit small!"
The Absolute Sound, USA
WVL 23239 | 3-way Premium Loudspeaker System
After decades of representing and owning various modern and vintage high-end speakers from electrostats to horns, I've never heard such a wide combination of attributes from a single speaker system. Wolf von Langa's Chicago excels where others present obvious compromises. Disappearing as the source of sound, this full-range system presents a live and undistorted performance by combining immediacy with smoothness and delicacy from realistic down to low volume levels.
The AUDIO FRAME series state-of-the-art technology sets new standards in authentic music playback with high efficiency to match low or high-powered amplifiers with adjustable crossover network. Captivating midrange is generated from state-of-art tribute to Western Electric/ Altec's 755 driver. It's unique silk-paper cone unit closes the acoustical gap between the large cone area bass units and adjustable floating air motion transformer for a wide reproduction range. Unlike most high-end manufacturers using off-the-shelf speakers, Wolf von Langa designs and engineers cone drivers with powered field-coil motors. Dual 15" field coil drivers optimised to the Audio Frame series open U-baffle presents superior bass quality.
Listen to and enjoy WOLF VON LANGA Premium High End Loudspeakers.
The Absolute Sound
The Absolute Sound
Voices are
not simply voices
Quote: “And outstanding results became clear even with the first, relatively clumsy, listening tests. Reference Recordings’ fantastic version of Leonard Bernstein’s Divertimento sounds far larger and more powerful than one would expect from the size of the Serendipity – in every respect. The strings project far into the room, the woodwinds truly hit the mark, trombones and percussion strike with genuine and precise low bass that still rings out superbly. Even more remarkable was how I hadn’t yet optimized the speaker position.”
“It’s all about that bass. As for the bass range, we’re moving into blockbuster territory, in sharp contrast with the modest dimensions of the box itself. However, leaving its size aside, the unit’s weight indicates that this speaker is hardly a flyweight!”
Another Review of SON Positive-Feedback
What people say.
„To put it in a nutshell: Even after several hours of music, you listen completely relaxed. Fascinating. Absolutely top class!“
„Do I have anything to complain about with these speakers? Honestly no. And I mean "honestly" very seriously - I find absolutely nothing. These transducers lead me - and the term has never been so appropriate for me - into the heart of music.“
„In short, the SON is the loudspeaker of my life, unbelievable. How they celebrate quiet levels, unbelievable. Thank you for these wonderful speakers.“
„I am practically placed in the middle of the musical happening.“
„Incredibly live experience, the musicians are right in the living room. Explosive dynamics but also very fine, light-footed reproduction when the music demands it.“
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Premium High End Loudspeaker performance at its very best
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+49 9192 99 69 26
54 Roedlas
Neunkirchen am Brand 91077
Wolf von Langa 12639 SON Loudspeaker
Quote: Wolf von Langa has been building his eponymous loudspeakers in Bavaria for 14 years. There are currently six models available, four of which feature at least one field-coil driver receiving current from an external power supply. For some of you younger folks who weren’t practicing audiophiles in the 1920s and 30s when this technology was “the cat’s meow,” some explication is warranted. As the saying goes, everything old is new again.
I’ll leave my listening impressions for further below ... | Hifi-Advice
I’ll leave my listening impressions for further below but I must mention right now that mere moments after Ron hit “play” I was deeply impressed. What followed was a pleasant listening session and an afternoon that flew by. Ron did share his enthusiasm for the SONs and mentioned that they were shaping into the end of his quest for finding the ideal speakers. Read more on HFA…
Interested customers can visit the showrooms to experience the sound quality firsthand and explore different models. Ask.
WOLF VON LANGA often participates in audio exhibitions and events where consumers can listen to the loudspeakers and interact with the brand representatives.
© 2024 Wolf von Langa, all rights reserved.
Please click on the Links to find out more about our speakers (specs, prices, manuals, setup instructions, and more).
Wolf von Langa manufactures sound transducers that are unique in the world. These Premium Loudspeakers are not only assembled in Neunkirchen, but also manufactured in Germany. WOLFVONLANGA® is a registered trademark and is used with permission.
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